This page has been created for the public
and licensees in order to provide a quick
summary of recent official Board actions.
Specifically, the below information include
items voted on at the last Board meeting and
prior to the Meeting Minutes being officially
adopted by the Board and posted on this site.
September 16, 2014
A motion was made by Missy Fields to accept the
meeting Minutes from August 26, 2014, as
distributed. Lisa Wells seconded the motion. The
Chair called for a vote from the Board. Voting
“aye” were Vernon Johnson, Kent Crenshaw,
Melissa Mann, Lisa Wells, Bruce Ovitt, and Missy
Fields. Voting “nay” were none. The motion
A motion was made by Lisa Wells to accept option
1 of the proposed Rules and Regulations Chapter
473-X-3-.02 with changes. Bruce Ovitt seconded
the motion. The Chair called for a vote from the
Board. Voting “aye” were Bruce Ovitt, Lisa
Wells, and Melissa Mann; Voting “nay” was Vernon
Johnson; and those abstaining were Kent Crenshaw
and Missy Fields. The motion passed.*
A motion was made by Missy Fields to accept the
proposed Rules and Regulations Chapter
473-X-3-.01 with changes. Bruce Ovitt seconded
the motion. The Chair called for a vote from the
Board. Voting “aye” were Kent Crenshaw, Bruce
Ovitt, Melissa Mann, Missy Fields, and Lisa
Wells; Vernon Johnson abstained. The motion
A motion was made by Missy Fields to accept the
proposed Rules and Regulations Chapter
473-X-8-.01 with changes. Bruce Ovitt seconded
the motion. The Chair called for a vote from the
Board. Voting “aye” were Vernon Johnson, Kent
Crenshaw, Bruce Ovitt, Melissa Mann, Missy
Fields, and Lisa Wells. Voting “nay” were none.
The motion passed.*
A motion was made by Missy Fields to decline the
request presented to the Board for a variance
because the same standards apply to all
applicants and licensees. The motion was
seconded by Vernon Johnson. The Chair called for
a vote from the Board. Voting “aye” were Vernon
Johnson, Kent Crenshaw, Melissa Mann, Missy
Fields, Bruce Ovitt, and Lisa Wells. Voting
“nay” were none. The motion passed.
There being no further Board business, Bruce
Ovitt made a motion to adjourn the meeting. The
motion was seconded by Missy Fields. The motion
passed unanimously and the meeting adjourned at
12:29 p.m.
*These proposed Rules and Regulations are
available on the homepage under “Hot Topics”.